About Obtaining Open Consent in Exams and Homeworks
- English
- Türkçe
We will try to answer a few critical questions about personal data protection law in the distance education process.
For audio or video recordings and written assignments to be recorded and sent by the student, the clarification text in ODTUClass is sufficient. Open consent is not required.
Open consent is required if Zoom, Cisco Webex, Blackboard Collaborate or MS Teams are used in exams.
If BigBlueButton will be used in the exam, the clarification text in ODTÜClass will be sufficient. Exams of students who do not give open consent must be made over BigBlueButton.
To obtain open consent, you can use "How to create a consent form from template?" In ODTUClass FAQ.
In short, when BigBlueButton is used in exams and assignments, open consent is not required. The clarification text in ODTUClass is sufficient.
Open consent is required if Zoom, Cisco Webex, Blackboard Collaborate or MS Teams are used in exams.
Clarification Texts on ODTUClass Homepage:
For Personal Data Protection Law Clarification Text for Distant Education Procedure
For Personal Data Protection Law Clarification Text for Online Exam Procedure