METU OpenCourseWare Project

Open CourseWare Project was initiated in the United States in 2000 under the leadership of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and later spread with the participation of many universities in 19 different countries. A National Open CourseWare Project was initiated under the leadership of Turkey Academy for Sciences (TÜBA) with contributions of Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Council of Higher Education (YÖK) and about 50 universities. METU has been elected to the board of directors of the "National Open CourseWare Consortium" established in this context.

The first step of the work of the National Open Course Materials Consortium is to identify faculty members who want to open their courses to national and international sharing, to plan the work to be done with them and to determine the necessary administrative / technical support. Since the national consortium will also be a part of the international consortium, shared course materials will be accessible from all over the world. Our faculty members, who open the course materials for sharing, will directly be a part of the international community.

An electronic questionnaire has been prepared at the following address in order to determine our faculty members who are considering opening the course materials for national / international sharing at our university:

National Open Course Materials Project - Faculty Member and Course Determination Survey for METU Contribution

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